Thursday night Terry and I had sushi and drinks with some of his co-workers at Chuck's. It was a nice evening, and I really just love any excuse to eat Chuck's sushi.
After Chuck's we met up with Terry's roommate at the Alcove for a couple of beers.
Last night we went to Carpe Vino with Eric & Heather for a wine tasting. Terry doesn't like wine, but he was a good sport about it. They have this amazing peach dessert wine made from Chilton County peaches. Def recommend.
After the wine we headed over to Five for more drinks and dinner. Delish & fun dinner.
I tried the jalapeno pineapple margarita, and it was greattttt. *The picture is from The actual marg at Five looks a little different. I rarely take pictures anymore.
Besides these outings, we've really just been doing boring old stuff. Studying for the bar, obviously, taking care of Arlo pup, and cleaning up and out. Here are some of the more interesting items.
I'm working my way through the IMDB Top 250 movie list, per Terry's recommendation. He watches most of them with me really, because he is something of a movie buff. Next up is Annie Hall.
I'm trying very hard to get in a daily workout. I'm combining running with yoga/pilates.
I'm ashamed to admit that I'm finally working my way through the daily devotion book I got from my home church for college graduation. Sometimes I forget to do it, but I'm doing much better. And it really helps me to be kind and nicer than my nature wants me to be. I think I've saved myself from at least 3 Julia Sugarbaker terminator style "telling offs" since I've been doing it .
Trips to the arboretum with Arlo are great stress relievers. He loves being able to run free off his leash too, and he is better behaved after using up some of that seemingly endless puppy energy.
I'm the bartender at Capstone Village, the University's retirement home. It's a hilarious and sometimes challenging job, but most of the time I adore it.