Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stupid Cupid

I have always been one of those girls to say, "I hate Valentine's Day. It's so stupid. I don't need Hallmark and the florists to tell me when to love my man." In years past, even when I had a boyfriend I would say these things because it made me feel like a rebel. The kind of girl who thinks her own thoughts and does her own thing. It wasn't until yesterday that I realized that this line of thought is cliché after all. I saw more tweets and facebook posts about "single awareness day" and "I hate Valentine's" than I did about showing love. And honestly, I'm not the type of person to hate any holiday. I love any reason to bake, decorate, or be festive. I love virtually every other holiday. I'm the kind of girl who still dyes Easter eggs and makes her own Halloween costumes. So I caved and enjoyed Valentine's Day for once. What is wrong with one day a year dedicated to sharing the love and good will you feel for family, friends, and loved ones? You don't even have to spend a lot of money to do it. It doesn't have to be about romantic love either. Sure, I know it is annoying if you say, got a serious sushi craving last night, but realized that going to Chuck's fish alone would be a major bummer (and would involve a long wait), but that's really just a minor annoyance in the grand scheme of things. I think that the people who spiral out of control with the "thanks for reminding me I'm all alone, St. Valentine," aren't happy with their relationship statuses every other day of the year either. Looking back, I have had many fun Valentine's Days spent with good girlfriends too. I think that the people who truly loathe Valentine's Day need a little perspective. Just because you're single doesn't mean you're unloved or incomplete.

I propose that next year (assuming the world makes it to 2013) we all get an attitude make over. If you're married or involved with somebody, enjoy the day in a way special to your relationship. If you're single, spend time with good friends or family. If you're bitter, keep it to yourself, get drunk alone and watch bad movies. People are way too whiney on social media these days. Honestly, nobody cares and we all know you're just craving attention. If you have a serious problem, tell your best friend or mother.

As for me, it felt so nice to finally give in and enjoy a nice night. While Terry and I did have a nice Valentine's Day last year, last night was more enjoyable, and I attribute that to finally letting go of all my Valentine's Day ill will. We cooked a great dinner (cream cheese and pepper jelly to start, chicken parmesan, and brownies for dessert), had some wine, listened to some good old music, and just enjoyed each other's company. There were no cards except for a leftover unused puppy Valentine from a box I bought for Halli Grace last year (sorry Hallmark!). There were no overpriced flowers. There was no Whitman's sampler. So, I got to stick to my guns and also just enjoy a good excuse to spend some real time with someone who is very important to me. And I shouldn't have to feel bad about that, whiney facebook status updaters.

1 comment:

  1. I 100% agree Shelley! I feel like there were two types of people all over social media yesterday: A)The type who wanted to brag solely about what expensive gift they got or B) The type that wanted to whine and complain about how stupid they consider the entire Valentines holiday to be. I'm like you- I love any excuse to wear pink, be crafty, and eat sweets. And single, married, dating, divorced- you name it, I think the whole reason for the day is to remember the special people in your life and show them love. Great post!
