Monday, April 30, 2012

Study Breaks

It's finals time! I graduate from law school on SATURDAY! I'm trying to grind, but I have a touch of senioritis, so I need a few study breaks. Here's what I've been obsessing over when I get sick of learning the law. 

This little box is called a Roku. Techie Terry bought it for himself, but it doesn't do what needed it to do, and he couldn't return it, so it's currently being housed in my living room. Basically it connects your TV to the internet so you can watch Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc. 

So I've been watch a lot of Friday Night Lights on Netflix. Well really just ogling Tim Riggins. Because he might be the most spectacular looking human being ever to wear football pants. 

Wintzell's has the best Happy Hour in Tuscaloosa. I mean, you really can't beat half price appetizers and dollar drafts on the porch by the river. Ooh and the crab cake BLT with fried green tomato. Delish. 

When I actually do watch the expensive cable I pay for, it is the Food Network. Specifically the Chopped All-Stars tournament. However, I have never even heard of most of the people competing in the final round, so I care less than I did last year. 
I eat my weight in Dorito chips during finals. 

And this little guy speaks for himself. He's still got the puppy fur, and when I need instant stress relief, I just bury my face in it until he tries to bit said face off. 


  1. This Roku thingy looks super cool! I'm thinking that once my shows go on summer break, I need to rent Friday Night Lights. You are like the 1943847293483 person I know who has gone back and watched the seasons. Sounds pretty good.

    And whatever you can eat in Cool Ranch Doritos, I'll bet I can eat double. :)

  2. The Roku is very neat, Beth! We've only had a problem with it connecting to our wireless once, and turning it off and back on again solved that. I think they only cost about $50, so it's the most economical option for streaming things to the TV, although I think Blu Ray players can be set up to do it too, if you already have one.

    And Friday Night Lights is my crack. Well, that and Downton Abbey.
